Links to neighboring societies:
Eastern Washington Genealogical Society, northeast of us,
Yakima Valley Genealogical Society, to the west,
Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society, northwest of us,
Whitman County Genealogical Society, east of us, and
Blue Mountain Genealogical Society, south of us in Oregon.
- Other sites
Links for Benton and Franklin Counties
Check out our local research locations
Historical Societies
USGenWeb Sites
Check the rest of the state through the:
Washington State Digital Archive had its grand opening on October 4, 2004. Since then millions of electronic records have been made available. Read the latest news using the News link on the menu bar. Check out the types of record available using the Collections link on the menu bar.
Washington State Genealogical Society. Included in their information are genealogical resource guides for Benton and Franklin Counties. While these documents were prepared several years ago much of the content is still accurate.
Cyndi’s List for Washington State