Seminars and conferences are an excellent way to broaden your education. Below is a selection of Washington state and national seminars & conferences.
Looking for a specific type of class? Check the WSGS Blog for the current seminars or other all day events being held in Washington and nearby states. Expect to see more here after winter & travel is more predictable.
- RootsTech 2019, Salt Lake City, UT, 2/27-3/2.
- NGS 2019, St. Charles, MO, 5/8/- 5/11.
- FGS 2019, Washington, DC, 8/21-8/24.
- Rootstech 2020, Salt Lake City, 2/27-2/29.
- NGS 2020 Salt Lake City, UT, 5-20-5/23.
- FGS 2020, Kansas City, MO, 9/2-9/5